Engineering Geology Research Group

The Engineering Geology Research Group develops and improves the methodology and techniques in geo-hazard investigation, active fault study, seismic hazard analysis, landslide susceptibility analysis, and drainage basin sediment transportation. Results of these research and developments can be applied to the design, safety evaluation, and hazard evaluation of the construction of dams, tunnels, bridges, harbors, nuclear power plants, and highways. In recent years, we have extended the methodology and techniques to regional planning, land development and environmental protection, where a comprehensive digital database and useful models were established.

Active fault map of Taiwan

This picture shows the three-dimensional model of plate tectonic model for Taiwan constructed by the VR (virtual reality) technique. We can observe the model from different positions and angles by adjusting the VR controls. Active fault map of Taiwan.

This picture shows a trench at the Chelungpu Fault. Three major fault rupture events were found in the investigation.